Seafood and Shellfish

Guaranteed quality and service


Our company covers a wide variety of fish of unique quality from local fishermen who bring with passion the best raw materials from the crystal clear waters of the Aegean. Within a wide range of fish you can get Mackerel, Skipjack, Pelagic Sardines or our own unique Papalines, Anchovies and many other types of fish either packed IQF or in large packages.


Octopuses of all sizes, perfectly tenderized, Cuttlefish from Kalloni Bay, Squids, all local, free-caught, of excellent quality, at the best prices.


Prawns of all sizes all fresh directly and freely caught by local fishermen. They can be frozen in quick-freezing chambers keeping their quality intact, or available fresh straight from the boat.


Dives Mare sources the best shellfish of Lesvos, freely caught by professional divers, from the high phytoplankton content of the Gulf of Kalloni. Their quality and taste is unique. Always fresh and with all certifications.

Our Company